Creating new teams

In Nitoku you can create public or private teams.

Public Teams🔗

If you create a public team any person can follow the team, see team's contents, and send change requests. Followers can't modify the team's data directly, only the team owner, the user that created the team, can change team's data, either directly or accepting a change requests sent by any of the team's followers.

Public teams are recomended for:

  • Wikis
  • Publish research papers
  • Product manuals

To create a public team follow the steps below:

  1. Click on your Public teams* tab

  2. You should see now your public teams and public teams that you have joined, click on the button Create new public team

  3. A modal dialog will be shown, input the name for your team and click Accept

You can see this sequence of clicks on the short clip below:

Private Teams🔗

If you create a private team, only users that you invite to this team will be able to follow the team and access team's content.

To create a private team follow the steps below:

  1. Click on your Private teams tab

  2. You should see now your private teams and private teams that you have joined, click on the button create new private team

  3. A modal dialog will be shown, input the name for your team and click Accept