Managing team members

In Nitoku you can manage the followers of your private teams. First, only users that you invite to your private teams will be able to join them. Note that there is no way to request to be invited to a private team, the owner of the team needs to send the invite for any user to join. Second, on private teams, the owner of the group can kick out any member.

To use the invite or kick out functionality for your private teams, just look for your team on the private team tab, click on your team and move to your team page. On your team page click on the Members tab, that should show all the members of that team. Also, assuming that you are the owner of this private team, you should see the Invite icon.

On this Members tab you have access to the following functionality:

Click on the Invite icon to ask other users on the platform to follow your team.

Find the Kick out icon on the upper-right corner of each user that is following your private team. If you want to kick out any member of the team, just click on this icon and confirm.