This app is used to display tables, to use it on your page, just insert a markdown block with the reference @nitoku.public/datatables and the table data as comma separated values inside the block content. You can see an example below
This app uses the https://datatables.net/ javascript library to display tables. More info about this library can be found at https://datatables.net/
Name, Position, Office, Extn., Start date, Salary
Airi Satoshi, Accountant, Tokyo, 5407, 2008/11/28, $162700
Tiger Nixon, System Architect, Edinburgh, 5421, 2011/04/25, $320800
Ashton Cox, Junior Technical Author, San Francisco, 1562, 2009/01/12, $86000
Cedric Kelly, Senior Javascript Developer, Edinburgh, 6224, 2012/03/29, $433060
Brielle Williamson, Integration Specialist, New York, 4804, 2012/12/02, $372000
Herrod Chandler, Sales Assistant, San Francisco, 9608, 2012/08/06, $137500
Rhona Davidson, Integration Specialist, Tokyo, 6200, 2010/10/14, $327900
Colleen Hurst, Javascript Developer, San Francisco, 2360, 2009/09/15, $205500
Sonya Frost, Software Engineer, Edinburgh, 1667, 2008/12/13, $103600
Jena Gaines, Office Manager, London, 3814, 2008/12/19, $90560
Quinn Flynn, Support Lead, Edinburgh, 9497, 2013/03/03, $342000
Charde Marshall, Regional Director, San Francisco, 6741, 2008/10/16, $470600
Haley Kennedy, Senior Marketing Designer, London, 3597, 2012/12/18, $313500
Tatyana Fitzpatrick, Regional Director, London, 1965, 2010/03/17, $385750
Michael Silva, Marketing Designer, London, 1581, 2012/11/27, $198500
Paul Byrd, Chief Financial Officer (CFO), New York, 3059, 2010/06/09, $725000
Gloria Little, Systems Administrator, New York, 1721, 2009/04/10, $237500
Bradley Greer, Software Engineer, London, 2558, 2012/10/13, $132000
Dai Rios, Personnel Lead, Edinburgh, 2290, 2012/09/26, $217500
Jenette Caldwell, Development Lead, New York, 1937, 2011/09/03, $345000