Table block



This app is used to display tables, to use it on your page, just insert a markdown block with the reference @nitoku.public/datatables and the table data as comma separated values inside the block content. You can see an example below

This app uses the javascript library to display tables. More info about this library can be found at


The following app definition ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ”—

Name, Position, Office, Extn., Start date, Salary
Airi Satoshi, Accountant, Tokyo, 5407, 2008/11/28, $162700
Tiger Nixon, System Architect, Edinburgh, 5421, 2011/04/25, $320800 
Ashton Cox, Junior Technical Author, San Francisco, 1562, 2009/01/12, $86000
Cedric Kelly, Senior Javascript Developer, Edinburgh, 6224, 2012/03/29, $433060 
Brielle Williamson, Integration Specialist, New York, 4804, 2012/12/02, $372000 
Herrod Chandler, Sales Assistant, San Francisco, 9608, 2012/08/06, $137500 
Rhona Davidson, Integration Specialist, Tokyo, 6200, 2010/10/14, $327900 
Colleen Hurst, Javascript Developer, San Francisco, 2360, 2009/09/15, $205500 
Sonya Frost, Software Engineer, Edinburgh, 1667, 2008/12/13, $103600 
Jena Gaines, Office Manager, London, 3814, 2008/12/19, $90560 
Quinn Flynn, Support Lead, Edinburgh, 9497, 2013/03/03, $342000 
Charde Marshall, Regional Director, San Francisco, 6741, 2008/10/16, $470600 
Haley Kennedy, Senior Marketing Designer, London, 3597, 2012/12/18, $313500 
Tatyana Fitzpatrick, Regional Director, London, 1965, 2010/03/17, $385750 
Michael Silva, Marketing Designer, London, 1581, 2012/11/27, $198500 
Paul Byrd, Chief Financial Officer (CFO), New York, 3059, 2010/06/09, $725000 
Gloria Little, Systems Administrator, New York, 1721, 2009/04/10, $237500 
Bradley Greer, Software Engineer, London, 2558, 2012/10/13, $132000 
Dai Rios, Personnel Lead, Edinburgh, 2290, 2012/09/26, $217500 
Jenette Caldwell, Development Lead, New York, 1937, 2011/09/03, $345000 

Will render this app on your page ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ”—
