Calendar block

This block is useful when you want to display some dates on your page. This calendar block is made with the Fullcalendar javascript library. To use this block on your page just insert a markdown block with the reference @nitoku.public/fullcalendar and the callendar data as block content. You can see an example below


The following block definition ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ”—

defaultDate : 2021-04-01
events : [
    	title : 1. Lunch
    	description :  Mark birthday
    	start : 2021-04-01
       title : 2. Dinner
       description : Antonio farewell drinks
       start: 2021-04-06
       color : "#1b9866"

Will render this block ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ”—

